what causes earwigs to come in your house

When yous finish reading this postal service, y'all'll know how do earwigs go far your firm.

You'll also get to know where practise earwigs come from, what attracts them, and what tin can yous do to stop earwigs from entering your home.

Keep reading.

What are Earwigs?

Earwigs, as well known as pincher bugs, are unique looking bugs.

If you find, you'll find the lower half of their body resembling a silverfish, the midriff of a roach, and its head is like that of a grasshopper but brownish.

How do earwigs get in your house

They are a quarter of an inch to an inch long, and they are a mix of black or dark-brown. They have two antennae on its head, and their legs are visible.

Some earwigs tin fly, just about don't.

The two prominent pinchers at the finish of its torso make earwigs await menacing.

These pinchers are for its self-defence, and they use it frequently against other insects or preys.

Earwigs look scary. Some people think that earwigs vest to the scorpion family unit and they are poisonous.

Let'southward be very clear about this. Earwig is neither a scorpion nor poisonous.

Earwigs don't pose any threat to you either. Earwigs are more than of a garden bug rather than a domicile issues. But they as well enter your home if your dwelling provides an ideal living condition for them.

Later on in the postal service, we will tell you what kind of amercement they can practise to your garden, but to your dwelling house, they're not every bit dangerous as termites, roaches, or bed bugs.

But that doesn't mean y'all should let them alive within your dwelling.

Farther down the post, we'll too tell you what you can do to stop earwigs from entering your home.

Practise Earwigs Bite?

Do Earwigs Bite

Aye, earwigs can seize with teeth you with their pinchers.

Merely they don't sting y'all, which means that their bite tin can't penetrate your pare. The bite tin be painful. It can cause infection if they seize with teeth you on an open wound.

And earwigs don't enter your ears, they don't lay eggs in your hair, and they don't drill in your body to live.

These are all myths that are associated with these harmless bugs for ages.

Where Do Earwigs Come From In Your House?

Earwigs in house are quite a nuisance. But they're not indoor bugs.

Earwigs are outdoor or garden bugs. In your garden, they take perfect living conditions, especially if you live in hot and humid conditions.

They don't adopt to enter your house unless the weather outside is choppy for them.

Earwigs come into your home from your yard or garden. They sneak into your dwelling house through whatever breaks or cracks on your walls or doors.

Earwigs beloved clammy places. They live under stones, blocks of rotting wood, piles of leaves, or under the mulch.

Simply why earwigs go inside your dwelling?

When temperatures and humidity drop, earwigs enter your abode to seek warmth and moisture. That'southward when you encounter these scary looking bugs.

Bathroom, damp basement, kitchen, and laundry rooms are the common places where earwigs hibernate. These places are moisture and humid, and they provide them the warmth they need.

v Means Earwigs Arrive Your House?

Now that yous know where earwigs come from and why, let's take a look how they enter your home.

Earwigs get inside your home in any ane the five following means –

  1. Cracks and gaps on your home's walls and foundation.
  2. Open doors and windows.
  3. Lights attract earwigs. And so, a glowing light seedling can attract earwigs to your dwelling house.
  4. Earwigs tin be present in the flowerpots and plants that you motility within your home.
  5. Earwigs tin as well exist nowadays in the stuff that you bring in domicile like boxes and firewood

What Earwigs Swallow Inside Your Home?

Earwigs Eating Other Bugs

Though near of the nutrient source for earwigs is exterior your home, they feed on other insects and on your food waste material inside your home.

You're probable to find earwigs in your kitchen, besides your kitchen trash can or underneath the kitchen sink.

Outside your abode, in your thou or garden, earwigs eat flowers, leaves, and other bugs.

What Attracts Earwigs?

If earwigs prefer to live outside of your home, then what attracts earwigs? Why are earwigs in your house?

The offset thing that attracts earwigs, nosotros mentioned in the concluding department, is when the weather outside is inhospitable for them.

If it's too moisture or starts to get cold, earwigs choose to enter your habitation. That'south why earwigs, specially in southern and southwestern United States, invade homes at the first of fall.

The second affair that attracts earwigs is the bright light coming out of your abode.

What attracts earwigs

Earwigs are nocturnal insects. Bright lights attract earwigs to your homes, especially the LED lights.

Attracted past bright lights, earwigs can easily sneak into your home through the cracks and crevices on the walls and through open up windows and doors.

Earwigs tin hands squeeze their bodies, so getting inside your home from underneath the doors and windows is easy for them.

Once inside your home, earwigs will expect for places where they can hide and where they can get moisture.

The third thing that attracts earwigs is h2o leakage inside your home. Information technology tin exist anything – from a broken gutter to h2o leakages in your kitchen, basement, or bathroom. Wet wood also attracts earwigs.

Earwigs also enter your abode when you bring them inside, unintentionally.

Just like pantry pests, earwigs tin can enter your home through cardboard boxes, packaged products, or by only sneaking into your camping or hiking bag.

What Are The Signs Of Earwig Infestation?

Inside your home, in that location's no sign of earwig infestation. Yep, you read it right.

Neither practise they destroy your property as termites or roaches exercise.

Earwigs don't live in colonies either.

And so, their existence doesn't revolve around whatever queen or rex (like termites). Earwigs don't brand any nests either.

Earwigs roam around and live freely wherever they tin find nutrient and shelter.

And so, even if you lot find earwigs within your dwelling, then yous can be confident that in that location isn't any impairment.

Outside your home, there are no apparent signs of earwig infestation like that of termites or ants.

But if y'all see rough-edged leaves and petals with holes on them, so that's a clear sign of possible earwig infestation in your yard or garden.

It brings to the most obvious question – how practice you notice earwigs in your garden?

Earwig In Garden

Here'southward how.

Earwigs hide inside piles of leaves or vegetation.

So, if yous remove the vegetation cover or tilt a brick, you will find some earwigs scooting around to hibernate once y'all find them. They don't nest outside either.

The best function is that earwigs are non destructive garden insects. They don't destroy your garden as aphids or maggots do.

Earwigs eat flowers, leaves, organic wastes, other dead insects, and vegetables.

Just they aren't as voracious eaters equally other garden pests.

Unless they are in huge numbers, they don't pose whatever threat to your garden.

Earwigs are, in fact, helpful bugs.

Earwigs are omnivores, and they feast on aphids, maggots, beetles, caterpillars that ravage your garden.

So, if y'all love your garden, there'due south ever confusion near what to practice with earwigs.

Nosotros recommend that if they aren't in huge numbers, then just allow them be.

Only if there are as well many, then y'all tin can use our methods to become rid of them.

Earwigs In Bathroom – What Are They Doing At that place And How Did They Get There?

Earwigs dearest moisture and dampness. If they're within your home, then your bathroom is their ideal dwelling place.

Also, they love the plumbing area inside your bathroom vanity where they hide.

But there's one catch hither.

Average bathroom moisture isn't the only thing that attracts earwigs to the bath.

Their presence in the bathroom indicates moistness in the unabridged flooring of your bathroom.

So, check for whatever leak in and around the foundation of your abode.

Are there whatever plumbing problems? Is there any leakage of h2o outside of your home near your home's foundation? If yes, then fix them.

As well, cheque for whatever mildew smell coming out of your bathroom floor and bath cabinet surface area.

It besides indicates wet floor. If you get that olfactory property, check below the bathroom floor (the next floor or basement) for any h2o leakage.

The best way to deal with information technology is to fix the leakage and sprinkle Ortho Powder around those areas to stop the earwigs from entering your bathroom.

Why Do You Accept Earwigs In Bed?

There are no reasons for earwigs to be in your bed. If you see an earwig in your bed, then it must have come up in that location accidentally.

Your bed or bedroom doesn't offer moisture or food to the earwigs to survive.

The chances of finding an earwig in your bed are as good as lightning striking yous.

And don't believe myths that earwigs climb on to your beds to burrow holes within your caput or ears.Earwigs don't crawl inside your ears.

How Can You Terminate Earwigs From Entering Your Domicile?

Keeping earwigs away from your dwelling house isn't that complicated.

All you need to do is reduce moistness within and outside your dwelling and seal the cracks from where earwigs can enter.

Here'due south a pace by step guide to preventing earwigs from entering your home:

  • Begin with cleaning upwardly your yard or garden. Remove piles of leaf, rotting wood, and garbage.
  • Check for any gaps or cracks at the exterior walls of your domicile. Seal them upward with a sealant like these to stop earwigs from sneaking in.
  • Bank check if the gap between the lesser of the door and the ground is too much. If there is, then reduce the gap by adding another slab of forest below the door.
  • Replace the weather stripping on your sliding doors if they are not in proficient status.
  • Clean your gutter from whatever clogs and repair any amercement, if in that location's any. Notice for whatsoever clogs and cracks, especially on those areas of gutter from where the water escapes.
  • Dehumidify your home past using reliable and good quality humidifiers.
  • Ready whatsoever leakages or plumbing issues, specially around the foundation of your home, kitchen, bathroom, basement, and laundry room.


To conclude, earwigs get into your habitation through the cracks on your habitation's walls and foundation, and open doors and windows.

Yous tin also bring earwigs in your home from outside, through flowerpots, plants, and boxes.

Artificial light also attract earwigs.

So, they're likely to enter your house after sunset through open windows and gaps and cracks in your home.

Earwigs aren't lethal indoor pests and they don't exercise whatever damage to your property similar termites and roaches do.

We don't recommend using insecticides to impale earwigs within your abode.

Insecticides are harmful for both children and pets. Instead, you can use essential oils to get rid of earwigs naturally.


Source: https://howtomurderpests.com/earwigs-in-house/

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