Cubix Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go Funny

As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • While the team operates without Sprx in Magnetic Menace:

    Chiro: Super!

    Antauri: Robot!

    Gibson: Uh, Team!

    Otto: Hyper!

    Nova: Force!

    All: Go!!

    Gibson: Nobody said Monkey...

  • In Planetoid Q:

    Chiro: Otto, charge the gravitron disrupter.

    Otto: Here goes nothing!! (presses button)

    (The Super Robot loses power and then shows Chiro, Antauri, and Gibson's mortified faces)

    Gibson: Well, that was certainly nothing. Now try pushing the right button!!

    Otto: (embarrassed) Oops!! Thanks, Gibson...

    • When Gibson was explaining how it's impossible to build a graviton disruptor, guess what Otto was doing in the background? Building a graviton disruptor! Gibson's reaction? Growling in frustration and banging his head against the computer.
  • In Secret of the Sixth Monkey:

    Gibson: I have dubbed them "Biostatic Energy Amplification Darts".

    Otto : Ooh, ooh, I know! How about, the Spin Shocker!

    Gibson: "Spin Shocker"? Please, it's not a dance move!

    • And it pays off later with:

      Gibson: BIOSTATIC ENERGY——

      Otto : GIBSON!

      Gibson: Ugh... SPIN SHOCKER...!

      • The above is even more hilarious when you realize that Otto has a point that neither him nor Gibson seem to recognize or acknowledge: it's much easier to call your attacks when their names are short.
  • Everything the monkeys do in "Big Lug".
    • "It's a pen and a flashlight!"
    • "Mind over matter... is nothing compared to hands-free refreshments! What a marvelous invention!"
    • Even when they return to the Super Robot, the funny moments remain.

      Sprx: (as Antauri uses his Ghost Claws on the Sun Riders pinball machine) What are you doing, Antauri?! Get your ghost paws outta that machine!

      Antauri: What? At least I didn't tilt.

    • This episode was proof that even Antauri has his quirks.
  • Every other thing Otto says.

    Otto: (singing) Wonder Fun Meat World, a surprise in every bite!

    Chiro: Hey Otto! We're going to Wonder Fun Meat World!

    Otto: Woohoo! (pause) What's that?

    Nova: The song you were just singing?

    Otto: What song?

    • "Astroidnomical!"
  • Everything Gibson says when he becomes a Talkative Loon in Night Of Fear.
    • "Is it time for the dissection party?"
      • "Uh, Gibson? what are you doing?"/"Isn't it obvious? Digging for moon rocks!"
      • "Antauri, your face! What's happened to your face?!"
      • "I have no need for your human bathroom, sir! Release me!"
      • And possibly the BEST one of the bunch was when the team had to shut off the power to the Super Robot's defense grid, which led to this gem of an exchange:

        Chiro: Let's do it!

  • "I can't believe we're going out like this; CRUSHED BY A 200 FOOT GANGSTER COLON!"
  • Otto's biggest fear in Night of Fear. Clams with feet.
  • In Flytor when Gibson is talking about how hard it would be to make a defense system...while Otto is making one in the background.
  • Skeleton King releasing some of his frustrations on a group of Formless after the Monkey Team's escape via Super-Robot-Rescue in "Pit of Doom".

    Skeleton King: *smashes Formless* Nobody told me the Robot could do that!

  • The expression on Mandarin's face when the Chiro clone he'd just been congratulating literally blows up in his face.
    • Speaking of the clones, Their designs range from an exact replica to nightmarish mutants but one has to wonder what was going through Mandarin's head when designing two clones in particular. Imagine Chiro times two and both as an attractive older woman with two of the silliest falsetto voices ever!
  • Wonder. Fun. Meat World. As fucked up as it is, the entire thing is just so over the top that you can't help but laugh every two minutes, but this one line by Chiro takes the cake.
  • Sprx having the Super Robot dressed up as the princess in World of Giants. Hilarious enough in itself for the mocking obviousness of the thing, but then you realize the robot is sentient (even if not until after this point)...
  • While "The Skeleton King Threat" is mainly a Clip Show episode, it does have its share of gems.
    • The absolute deadpan seriousness Antauri says "Cheetah with a mustache" while listing their Rogues Gallery.
    • The episode ends with the team having to fight a citizen who has become kaiju sized thanks to what was originally thought to be a throwaway gag all the way back in "Flytor". The fight ends in the whole monkey team losing their hair/fur.

      Sprx: AHH! Look at me! I look like a shaved rat!
      Nova: Oh, you were going bald, anyway.
      Otto: Oooh, smooth. I kinda like it.

  • Evil Ages makes up for the serious overtones of the previous season the moment the Hyperforce exhibit attacks, starting with Chiro's amazing girly scream and Antauri's glorious WTF face, not to mention Nova being harassed by a lovestruck Sprx doll and Otto asking Sprx to take it easy on "little me".
  • After Krinkle manages to brainwash the Robot Monkeys into thinking he is Chiro, they recreate the opening theme of the show, but with Krinkle wearing his Big-headed Chiro disguise.
  • Throughout the entire "Savage Lands" two-parter, Sprx and Gibson were constantly arguing over who is Third in Command on the team while searching for Chiro. And at the end of it all, they decide to ask the newly revived Antauri who the true Third in Command is.

    Sprx: Listen, if Chiro's First in Command, and Antauri's Second in Command, then it's obvious I'm Third in Command!

    Gibson: Ha! That's absolutely absurd! Antauri, who pray tell is Third in Command?

    Antauri: Why, Nova, of course.

    (Sprx and Gibson epically Jaw Drop as Nova struts past them with a smug grin on her face.)

  • Gibson and Antauri having a philosophical debate about cotton candy and popcorn in "Circus of Ooze". Antauri is in favor of cotton candy and gets quite Sophisticated as Hell.
  • Gibson's reaction every time he sees insects: he freaks out and say "I despise bugs!!". Even looking like he was about to puke when Otto and Antauri was cutting a monster bug open.
  • Otto saying spells in "The Night of the Skull" first turning Gibson into a chicken, and Sparx into a rat! It makes everybody freak out and Gibson faint.


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